Cause of flu.

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The flu is caused by a viral infection. There are many types of flu-causing viruses. But the most common is rhinovirus. Which this type of virus can trigger the symptoms of an asthma attack. And associated with ear infections disease.

The rhinovirus enters the body through the mouth, eyes, nose and can spread through the air. Contagious in case of contact with flu patients or use various items with patients And not washing hands before touching the eyes, mouth and nose, which can cause infection. In addition, people with the following risk factors Often catch the flu more easily than the average person.


  • Age Children under 6 years of age are at higher risk of contracting. Especially children who have to be in the nursery. UFABET 
  • weakened immunity Patients with chronic illnesses or those with health conditions that weaken the immune system are more likely to catch colds more easily than usual
  • period. Most of the time, whether children Or adults tend to catch flu easily during the rainy season. and or winter
  • Smoking People who smoke are more likely to get sick with the flu. and if it is, the symptoms will be more severe than usual
  • in a crowded place crowded places Makes it easy to get infected with the common cold virus